What Howe came up with is a "pistol" sight notch above a more typical round hole aperture. Since the two are on the same...uh...blade, I guess...of the rear sight, transitioning between the two is crazy super fast, with just a slight movement. I tried to find a good pic of it, but couldn't. Figgers, M4G has brand new stuff before everybody else again. :)
This is the only pic I could find. I comes from the patent that Howe applied for, which is where the link in the title leads to. By all means, check it out, because it goes much more in depth than I intend to...or can, really. lol

Where the sight that XS makes differs from the illustration is that the "upper" notch is horizontally serrated, which cuts glare. The upper notch is for CQB distance shooting, while the more traditional peep aperture is for
shooting at distances out to about 25 meters.
According to M4G (who knows, believe me), Howe is very much anti-optic. The guys I've met who've seen him shoot or trained with him say that he's an amazing shooter and prefers open sights. After messing around with M4G's new sight for a short while, I'm very much intrigued, and I think I'm gonna have to seek one of these out and see if I can't slap it in my Troy Battlesight. This thing is slick! Well done, Paul Howe and XS Sights.
Very interesting and it looks like it takes care of the "offset" from close distances to further out??
Ed Zachary. Its so simple, I wish I'd thought of that a long time ago. Brilliant!
Rather brilliant indeed!
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