Sunday, September 23, 2012
WBSIB, borrowed from Vuurwapen Blog
If I set out to buy one of the following, this is what I would look for as of September 2012. Some things have great alternatives that aren't listed and some things have great alternatives that are listed. Some things I've gotten for free and some things I haven't. Some things might be more or less than you need. But if you ask me a general question about what (blank) to buy, this is probably what I'd recommend.
...a 5.56mm rifle - Colt LE6920. I like the "restricted" roll marks, but the SP is the same model without them and may save some money.
...a .308/7.62x51 rifle - Larue Tactical OBR
...a bolt action rifle - Remington 700. Pick a model; there's a reason this rifle is ubiquitous.
...a shotgun - Remington 870.Have a better reputation for durability vs the Mossberg
...a 22LR rifle - Marlin model 60. My first gun (still have it) was a 60 and I lost track of the round count. It's huge. Accurate and reliable.
...a handgun - Glock 19.
...a handgun for concealed carry - Also a Glock 19
...a holster - IWB: Bianchi 135 Allusion Suppression OWB: Safariland 529 belt slide Tactical: Safariland ALS series
...a non-magnified optic -Aimpoint T1 if you've got the duccats, Aimpoint PRO if you don't
...a fixed power optic for a semi auto rifle - Trijicon TA33/TA11 ACOG.
...a fixed power optic for a bolt action rifle - Bushnell Elite 3200 10X or Leupold M8 4X for hunting rifles
...a variable power optic - Anything German. Maybe a Vortex Viper or Razor if I didn't want the German price tag. AR-15 upgrade - Buffer Technologies Extractor Kit, or BCM/Vltor Gunfighter Charging Handle AR-15 rail - Daniel Defense 12.0 FSP or Troy 13" TRX Xtreme if you want a handguard rather than rail AR-15 magazine - Magpul E Mag
...a knife - Spyderco Endura IV
...a watch -Seiko diver, black bezel or Pepsi bezel
...a flashlight - Surefire X300 Ultra until the replacement head for the Scout comes out
...a flashlight for carry - Surefire E2D LED.
...rifle ammo for killing things - I like Federal Premium, but this isn't my are of expertise
...handgun ammo for killing things - Federal HST. Winchester Ranger T/Ranger Bonded. Speer Gold Dot. Or whatever hollowpoints from an American company are available.
...shotgun ammo for killing things - Federal FliteControl buckshot or Federal slugs.
...practice ammo - Federal Champion. Looks pretty nasty, but QC is excellent. Several thousands of rounds and no problems at all. Wish I could say that about WWB.
...a handgun .22LR conversion - Tactical Solutions
...a rifle .22LR conversion - the .22 AR's are so cheap, why convert?
ear / eye protection? Ears: Peltor Comtacs. I believe Sordin Supremes are overall better, but I prefer the sound quality of the Peltors
a durable steel target? Hard to beat TacStrike for value
an AK (or more generally a piston operated rifle)? Had an AK, gave it away to pay a debt. If you want a piston gun, there's the HK 416 and there's everything else.
a cleaning solvent? Hoppe's #9. Doubles as a decent after shave.
a fun range gun? Ruger Mk. II. Far and away the best gun Ruger ever made.
a good online gun forum? For guns in general? Probably THR. If you want discussions about using them for real, Lightfighter...but it's not for everybody. Some people don't belong there.
a gift to give a dad who likes John Wayne movies? Pick a movie, can't go wrong. My favorites: Rio Bravo, Rio Lobo, El Dorado, The Green Berets, Flying Tigers, The Quiet Man. There are also several very cool documentaries about The Duke's career and life away from his career.
Whaddaya think? What would you choose?
- NotClauswitz said...
Wayne and Lee Marvin in Donovan's Reef.
9:01 AM
- Haji said...
Oh, yeah! Good call!
2:49 PM
- NotClauswitz said...
I like all that stuff but can't afford any of it.
Maybe I could sell my Match AR and get a .308, and then use the 5.56 Noveske M4gery Ninja-blaster with the Aimpoint 3000SC in NRA Highpower as the new "Service Rifle Optical" class.... -
12:47 PM
- Haji said...
I'm pretty sure my "affordable" list would be somewhat different. Might do that list in the future.
3:43 PM
Anonymous said...
eye pro? smith optics aegis echo. nothing else comes close
7:53 AM
- Haji said...
Missed that one; I only answered half of it. The Smith Optics are an excellent choice. I've been using Oakley M Frames for a long time, and I'm also partial to the Half Jacket XLJ and the Valve that they don't make anymore. Since my eyes have gotten worse, I've been using prescription impact rated lenses in my glasses. Since I'm about to have a cataract removed, the prescription will change again and I'll have to see where I go from here. I don't like not being able to see, even though I only have to see the front sight for the most part.
10:06 AM
- NotClauswitz said...
Donovan's Reef for John Wayne - he's in Hawaii with Lee Marvin so it's gotta be good!
My eyepro is perscription Oakley - limited curvature by thick Rx. -
12:11 PM
September 20th, 2012 - 06:20